#1 Ranked Law Firm in Maine*

From A Tragic Death to Dismissals: A Long Journey For Our Client Ends With Legal Success

Three years ago, an excellent lawyer referred a client to me.  We met in his office the day after the accidental death of his client's best friend in a wrestling accident.  The concerns were plentiful and immediately apparent: first, a manslaughter charge was a distinct possibility, and the State Police were investigating.  Second, the wrongful death suits that would surely follow were also concerning.  This would mean an attack on my client's business and personal assets.

Our view was that the death was completely accidental and may have been caused by other health issues unrelated to the wrestling (which could not have been anticipated).  While tragic, our view was that our client was not criminally responsible, and needed to be protected in the civil suits that would surely follow.

This involved us first, and most importantly, avoiding the criminal charges.  I am pleased to say that we did.  Thereafter, there were three lawsuits, involving six law firms. The maneuvering done to resolve these three suits is too complicated for a short blog post.  In sum, we were able to extricate our client  from the civil suits, leaving him owing nothing.

When I look back on this case, which began in 2019 and ended finally just recently, it is enormously gratifying to see these results.  The case began by meeting our client the morning after his best friend had just been killed while they were wrestling.  Manslaughter charges, potential jail, loss of a career and loss of assets were a real possibility.  Nearly three years later, it is all over and all of the potential consequences - both civil and criminal - have been completely avoided.  Congrats to our client, who is a wonderful guy we have enjoyed serving the past three years.
